Check Out How Bad Employee Experience Can Ruin Your Workplace!

Modern workplaces are rapidly changing. The workplace has changed from being a place where employees spend 40 hours per week working together and socializing to a place they only visit a few times per week through hybrid working. The mass shift to remote work has seen virtual take over the physical office. This digitizing of the working conditions and changing employee experiences has made it a more convenient place.

However, this doesn’t mean that the office is less important. This simply means that organizations must create a workplace environment where employees feel safe, motivated, and productive no matter where they work. The most important thing is that organizations must rethink their role in creating an exceptional employee experience.

What does employee experience actually mean in a hybrid workplace environment? Why should you care?

What’s Employee Experience?

The employee experience (now EX) refers to the employee’s experience with the organization from the moment they are hired. It covers everything that a typical workplace offers, including the onboarding process, daily operations, working environment, and interactions with managers and coworkers.

Why do you have to care about employee experience?

It can be hard to measure, but employee experiences are directly related to the effort that employees put into their jobs. It also has an impact on company turnover.

How can a poor employee experience affect business operation? Imagine this: An organization’s leaders don’t focus on optimising the hybrid employee experience. This can lead to friction and a decrease in employee productivity. It can lead to lost revenue and poor customer service.

It’s simple: treat your employees well and you will have an efficient workforce. Mistreat them and you’ll likely get angry reviews on your site! This is not all. These are other ways bad employee experiences can ruin your workplace.

  1. Disengaged Employees

Did you know that disengaged workers cost the US economy $350 billion each year? Think about it. Can you afford to disengage? Most likely not.

You can keep your employees happy by investing in them through learning and development opportunities. You’re basically nurturing your employees by giving them the tools and opportunities to learn and grow at their job. This will make them more invested in your company.

  1. Dissatisfaction Leads To Absence

Dissatisfaction can make your workforce less productive and unhappy employees may not show up at work as often as happy employees. Absenteeism can cause a decrease in productivity, morale and company growth. It is therefore important to create a positive employee environment that actually encourages people to come to work.

  1. Lowers Business Reputation

Your business is reflected in the satisfaction, performance, behavior, interactions, and behaviors of employees. Bad employee experiences can make employees speak or act in ways which could negatively impact your company’s reputation among customers, potential employees, and other competitors.

  1. Customer Experience

Your employee experience does not meet the standards. This will impact your customer experience. Engaged employees make happy customers. It is simple. How? Forbes-Well, that’s how.

  • 79% of employees working in exceptional customer experiences are highly engaged
  • Companies that are focused on employee engagement are four times more profitable than those that don’t
  • Companies that offer a great employee environment outperform their competition by 147%

Bad employee experiences are more likely to cause staff to lose motivation to work hard and become advocates for your company.

It’s time for a new approach to high-engaged employees, it’s obvious. Even if you think your workplace culture is great, statistics show that only 54% employees would recommend it to others. A negative employee experiencenow is something you can’t ignore.

What makes a great employee experience?

The dynamic between employees and organizations has changed with the introduction of hybrid and remote work models. How can you foster a positive work environment and a positive employee experience? These are some of the contributing factors.

  • Technology- A modern workplace is only possible with the use of advanced technology, particularly if it uses hybrid work models. It is crucial to make sure that employees have all the tools they need to perform their job.
  • Transparent Communication –Highly engaged employees will be attracted to organizations that emphasize open communication and employee participation in decision-making. Employees must be informed about what is going on and feel included.
  • Support- While changes are inevitable in any workplace, it is important that employees feel supported by their managers, coworkers and the company’s policies. They will be able to adapt quickly to new changes and become promoters for your company.
  • Physical Work Environment- A positive workplace environment is key to employee satisfaction. To create productive and collaborative workplaces, facility managers must understand the needs of employees.

Wrapping up

Your employees are the key to your organization’s success. It is up to the managers and leaders of the company to make sure they are happy. An unpleasant experience can lead to the disintegration of your company.

To avoid poor employee experiences, it is important to be proactive, flexible, and supportive.

WorkInSync lets you manage all employee requests, from scheduling meetings and booking desks to managing leaves using hybrid workplace software. To learn more about the product, you can request a demo.