Challenge Coins: Where It All Begins

Challenge Coins are small medallions that are given to people for a variety of reasons. They can be for a remarkable achievement, membership in an organization, or a special event.

They’re often given to military members but are popular with first responders and civilian groups. They’re used to build morale, connect people with similar interests, and promote a brand.


Challenge coins are a tradition that started in the military and has since spread across first responders, law enforcement, and other civilian organizations. They are a way to reward bravery, recognize achievements, and promote unity within a unit or department.

There are many accounts for the origin of challenge coins. One tradition traces back to World War I when a wealthy military officer ordered bronze medallions with his flying squadron insignia minted. These coins were given to all squadron members before they departed for training and missions over Europe.

A young American pilot, who had received these coins from his crew, was shot down over Germany and captured by German soldiers. The American, who had a challenge coin with the squadron insignia, proved his identity by showing the medal to his French captors.

Regardless of the origin of challenge coins, they are a time-honored tradition that has been carried on for decades. Today, no United States President or government official not carry a challenge coin with them.


Challenge coins are small medallions bearing an organization’s insignia or emblem and carried by its members. They are typically round and may be embellished with enamel paint to create a unique design.

They are used to prove membership when challenged, boost morale, commemorate special events or milestones, and reward unit members, senior officials, and retiring personnel. They are also often awarded for outstanding performance or bravery and can be presented to non-members in exceptional circumstances.

A military coin dates back to World War I when a wealthy military officer presented bronze medallions to his flying squadron to celebrate their accomplishments before departing for Europe. When the Germans captured a squadron member, he showed his medal, which was recognized and saved his life.

Today, they are still used to prove membership in a group and enhance morale. Still, many civilian groups have adopted them to promote brands, build teamwork and camaraderie, and link individuals with similar interests. They are especially popular with schools, universities, sports teams, businesses, and organizations.


Challenge Coins are unique keepsakes that can be used to recognize people, places or organizations–or simply as a reminder of important moments or experiences. They can also be a great way to create bonds between group members.

The first thing that needs to be considered when designing a challenge coin is its shape. You can choose from any standard forms or ask for a custom one to suit your needs.

Similarly, the size of your coin is an important decision that needs to be made carefully. The little coins are generally only an inch or so in diameter, while larger ones can be up to 1.75″ in diameter.

Once you have the correct coin size and shape decided, it’s time to think about how your coin will feel in your hand. A heavier, thicker coin will feel more substantial and valuable, while a thinner, lighter one will be easier to handle.

You can customize the thickness of your coin to fit your specific needs and choose from various background textures for the design. These features can make or break your coin’s overall appeal.


Challenge coins are small metal medallions bearing an organization’s insignia or custom logo, which a group’s members wear to show their membership and enhance morale. They can also be used as souvenirs and rewards for outstanding service and conduct.

A coin’s size is essential for several reasons, including how it will be used and the desired detail. Generally speaking, coins of 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter are the best options.

This size offers the best value for most designs and is ideal for detail, portability, and weight. It is also the most commonly found size. However, if you want your coin to stand out, consider ordering a larger coin, such as 2.25 or 3 inches in diameter.


Challenge coins are a traditional symbol of membership in an exclusive group or participation in a specific event. They are a popular choice among schools, fire and police departments, and other organizations that want to instill a sense of belonging in their members.

The origins of challenge coins date back to World War I, when combat pilots used them to prove their status and commitment to their unit. They are still used by military units today, but they have also become a famous symbol of community and loyalty for groups of all kinds.

These coins are a form of recognition for people who have achieved something significant, such as graduating from basic training or completing an intense program at their college. They are also given as a reward for members of law enforcement who have risen above their rank and gone above and beyond their duties to help improve the quality of life in their community.

They are a fun way to show your appreciation for people in your organization. They create bonds and encourage hard work, making recognizing your team’s achievements easier. But there are things to keep in mind when using them.