What is the Talent Sourcing Process? 5 Steps Included


“Talent” has become an all-inclusive term for the working population. In human resources, “talent” commonly refers to the qualities that potential employees possess that a company values most. Knowing what your company needs and wants to move forward is essential in sourcing the right talent.

Talent Sourcing

In today’s business world, it is essential to have a clear and concise strategy to succeed. This begins by knowing where to find the most qualified candidates–the process of identifying, generating, researching, and networking with potential hires is known as talent sourcing.

You’ll want to find the most qualified employees as quickly as possible to save yourself time and energy. In today’s fast-paced world, you must be proactive in your search for quality staff.

Talent Sourcing Process

Sourcing talent can be challenging, but building your list of potential employees before a position is even open will always have people to target. That way, you won’t have to scramble when the job is posted. Sourcing can vary depending on where you’re looking for employees, but here’s a general overview of what talent sourcing looks like and its milestones.

Step 1: Create a Job Position

A well-crafted job description is integral to hiring someone for the open position successfully. You should be intimately familiar with the ins and outs of the job so that you can relay that information accurately to potential candidates. Doing this effectively requires close collaboration with managers, department heads, and other relevant parties. This way, you can produce a comprehensive and targeted job description.

Step 2: Make a Candidate Persona

After you’ve gathered all the critical information, it’s time to consider your dream hire. A candidate persona is a write-up of the best person for the job. What skills and qualifications do they have? How would they fit in with company culture? This is your blueprint for finding the perfect fit. During this step, you’ll want to consider where your ideal candidate spends their time – which websites, platforms, or locations do they frequent?

Step 3: Find Out the Best Candidate

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to acquire it. You’ll need software such as an ATS or CRM to gather information and automate the process. Social media sites, job boards, etc., are excellent places to search for candidates. Also, consider those people who were interviewed but didn’t make the cut last time – is there anyone that stands out now? Lastly, always collect potential candidates even when you don’t have current openings; this way, you already have a group (pool) to choose from when a new opening comes up.

Step 4: Contact Candidates

Now that you’ve found some fantastic potential employees, it’s time to reach out and contact them. Take the time to write a direct and personalized message; doing so will make template emails further down the recruiting process much more manageable. This is the most important first touch, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back immediately. Send a follow-up or two their way for good measure.

Step 5: Interview and Assess

The role of the talent sourcing officer does not necessarily end after potential sourcing candidates. After taking notes and zeroing in on the most promising prospects, these names are passed to the recruiter, hiring manager, or other workplace contacts. However, if you’re also involved in recruiting, you may be asked to participate in interviews to help find the best fit.

The final decision has been made. It is time to make the official offer, get all the specifics, and officially bring the right employee on board. Depending on the company, this task may fall to a company official. If you have done your job correctly up until this point, then hiring and onboarding should go smoothly from here on out.

To improve recruitment process you can use a chrome extensions for recruiters like Talent Acquisition.