10 Best Pillow Fillers – Rating 2022


Sleeping is an important part of human life, on which not only the well-being or mood, but also health itself depends. For a comfortable sleep it is necessary to choose comfortable pillows that repeat the anatomical shape of the head and neck, do not cause stiffness, numbness or pain. Manufacturers produce the best pillow fillers that do not cause allergies, do not impair the quality of sleep. To make it clear which models to choose, a rating of the best pillow fillers, distinguished by some characteristics, comfort and practicality, has been created.

Rating of pillow fillers

Fillings can be of two kinds: synthetic and natural. They have individual characteristics, advantages or disadvantages. The rating was compiled based on the results of comparative tests, consumer reviews, and expert opinions. To give a clearer picture of the best pillow fillers, the following characteristics were also taken into account:

  • Quality;
  • Eco-friendliness;
  • Safety;
  • Comfortability;
  • Weight;
  • Safety for humans;
  • Insulating properties;
  • Longevity of use.

After obtaining all the data, a review was formed on which pillow filler is best to choose in order to ensure a comfortable sleep. All presented models from the rating differ from each other in practicality, safety and comfort.

Choice by yurovskiy.su

The best natural herbal fillings

Natural fillings do not cause allergies, promote pleasant, full-fledged sleep, are safe for adults and children, and are comfortable and comfortable. They are practical, perfectly regulate the heat exchange, and let the air pass quickly. Products are quite soft, warm and voluminous, but can quickly lose their shape, have some difficulty in care. They need to be cleaned regularly, preventing the formation of microorganisms, bacteria, and other harmful components.  The review was based on the results of comparative tests, which evaluated 7 nominees on the plant filler, of which 3 models were selected.

Bamboo fiber

One of the best fillers for pillows for sleep is bamboo, it is characterized by tenderness, elasticity, softness, and absence of unpleasant odor. Such models provide quality, restful sleep, suitable even for people with allergies. They do not accumulate dust, mites do not wind up, which can cause disorders in the body. To prolong the service life it is necessary to take care of them with care, to prevent frequent washing which can deform the shape. Suitable for people with cervical diseases and dysfunctions, as well as those who suffer from excessive sweating.


  • Comfort;
  • No smell;
  • Does not lose its shape;
  • Anatomic position for the neck;
  • Lightness.


  • Fakes can occur.

Reviews show that bamboo fiber is a practical and comfortable material, providing a quiet, comfortable sleep, it is comfortable to use, moderately soft, does not fall through. Often these models are chosen for children, in which the anatomical formation of the correct position of the neck, posture.

Buckwheat husk

The product is characterized by good anatomic properties, quickly remembers the desired shape, supports the neck during sleep. Thanks to the breathable material, the pillow does not heat up, perfectly absorbs sweat, does not cause discomfort. The absence of accumulated dust does not cause allergies, allows the product to be used by people prone to allergies. Buckwheat husk is recommended to choose in the presence of back pain, snoring, sleep disorders, allergies to wool, dust or feathers. The price is affordable to many.


  • Air permeability;
  • Comfort;
  • Lightness;
  • Ability to memorize shape;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • A little rustling, it takes time to get used to.

Reviews show that the material promotes a full-fledged sleep, active awakening, absence of pain in the back or neck. It does not require a lot of attention, it is easy to take care of, and you can control the level of rigidity of the pillow by changing the amount of material.


Cotton fillings are short and long cotton fibers woven together. Cotton products are always popular because they are soft, voluminous, warm, and comfortable for sleeping. Despite the fact that cotton is completely hypoallergenic and natural, it is not the best choice because it is difficult to care for, not machine washable. Products need to be cleaned regularly because moisture accumulates in them and harmful microorganisms can form. Also, they are not considered durable, the average lifespan is 2-3 years. After that, it is recommended to buy a new model, which is still free of harmful bacteria.


  • Environmental cleanliness;
  • Quality;
  • Convenience;
  • Reasonable price.


  • Difficult to care for;
  • Uncomfortable height.

Reviews show that pillow filler has its pros and cons, with which it is advisable to familiarize yourself before buying it. Cotton products have an affordable price, so the period of use of 2-3 years is not a big disadvantage. After this time, you can safely change them, continuing to enjoy the environmental cleanliness, practicality, and safety.

The best natural animal fillings

Natural fillings of animal origin were used decades ago, at a time when synthetic or vegetable materials were out of the question. Products made of materials of animal origin have a high price, but this does not mean that they are of high quality. On the contrary, they can cause allergies, interfere with the respiratory system, provoking the appearance of more serious diseases. The service life of products should not exceed 1 year, because during this time, the pillow noticeably “falls off”, does not support the head and neck during sleep, emits an unpleasant smell. Rating of animal fillings was formed on the basis of comparative tests, a total of 3 models of filler that can be used for pillows.

Down (feather)

Down and feather is a material that is made from raw materials derived from waterfowl such as ducks or geese. The softness and properties depend directly on the quantity and quality of the raw material. The more soft feathers are used, the more delicate, practical the product will be. Air space can be provided only by using soft feathers, which still have thermal insulation properties. Such a model is not suitable for allergic people, because it instantly absorbs unpleasant odor or moisture, breaks the quality of breathing, leads to various diseases. It is desirable to dry and clean down products regularly, because without this measure they quickly become infested with mites and bedbugs, affecting the comfort and quality of sleep.


  • Softness;
  • Quality pillowcase;
  • Optimal height;
  • Comfort.


  • High price;
  • Does not support the desired shape of the neck.

As reviews show, down is a natural, but not safe material for pillows. It quickly loses its properties, deflates, gets trampled. After 6-7 months of use there is already deformation of the shape, the first discomfort after sleeping, pain in the neck or back.


This is a common material for pillows, which provides the necessary elasticity, comfort, not lost over the years. Natural wool material has good air permeability, does not contribute to the formation of unpleasant odor. It also absorbs moisture, so even an abundance of sweat during sleep will not cause a sharp smell, the formation of mites, bacteria. Do not buy the product allergic or asthmatic, because even with the slightest release of an unpleasant odor can worsen the feeling of well-being. It is desirable to air wool products in the fresh air twice a year, the best time to do it in the winter and summer.


  • Convenience;
  • Comfort;
  • Safety;
  • Affordable price.


  • Difficulties in care;
  • Not suitable for allergic people.

As reviews show, pillows made of such a filler as wool require regular care and attention in order to prevent the emergence of bacteria, viruses or germs. They are not self-washable, so they must be given to a special dry-cleaner or replaced with new models.


Material – horsehair is not common, it is often combined with camel hair, which makes it softer, more comfortable. Products are not created for those who have spinal problems, overweight, pregnancy. The pillow is characterized by elasticity, does not lose its shape, durable. Also note the antibacterial properties, which provide good ventilation, guarantee dryness even during profuse sweating. The material requires extra attention, it is not suitable for allergic people and people prone to problems with the respiratory system.


  • Good moisture absorption;
  • Ventilation;
  • Comfort;
  • Comfort;
  • Keeps its shape.


  • Requires careful maintenance;
  • Not suitable for allergic people.

Reviews show that the filler is suitable as a pillow for pregnant women, maintains its shape, does not cause neck pain and tension in the lower back. Horsehair in combination with other materials is characterized by durability, can last up to 3 years, without deterioration in quality, practicality, comfort.

The Best Synthetic Fillings for Pillows

Synthetic materials are used quite often because they are cheap, practical, and have no unpleasant odors. They easily tolerate both hand and machine washing. Minimal durability, compared to natural materials, is a disadvantage. The synthetics used are thoroughly tested, so they are safe, hypoallergenic. The rating was based on the results of comparative tests, in which 5 nominees were considered, of which only 4 were selected.

Memory foam

Pillows made of synthetic foam are characterized by hypoallergenic, eco-friendly, high quality. Under the influence of human weight, they quickly form the desired shape and retain it. This improves the quality of sleep, helps the body quickly recover, gain strength. The material is suitable for people with spinal problems, as well as pregnant women who often feel pain in the neck area, because it is characterized by strength, reliability, durability. Due to good air permeability the moisture evaporates quickly without causing discomfort.


  • Maintains the right position;
  • Recommended for osteochondrosis;
  • High quality; Safe;
  • Reasonable price.


  • It takes a long time to get used to it.

As reviews show, memory foam is not only suitable for people with osteochondrosis or other back conditions, but also for pregnant girls who need comfort and a good night’s sleep. The material is hypoallergenic, so it does not cause allergies and does not disturb the respiratory system.


Silicone material is derived from polyester, it is characterized by airiness, lightness, elasticity. Does not cause irritation, does not infiltrate the breath, completely safe even for pregnant women, treated with a special composition, which is designed specifically for allergic people. The advantage is considered the ease of use, the ability to instantly restore the shape, as well as thermal insulation properties. Silicone products have orthopedic properties, they perfectly follow the contours of the neck, head and back. Due to its universal properties, the material is suitable for use in summer and winter.


  • Elasticity;
  • Softness;
  • Heat regulation;
  • Air permeability;
  • Comfortable.


  • No disadvantages detected.

Reviews show that silicone is the most popular synthetic material, which has many advantages. It is safe for children and pregnant women and does not cause allergies.

Artificial latex

Latex products are made of rubber foam, which has many holes for full ventilation. The first days of use, the material may emit a slight sweet odor, which is immediately neutralized. Latex quickly absorbs moisture, so it can be used even in summer. Due to its antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties, mold, dust mites, microbes or fungi are not detected in the composition. Pillows guarantee a comfortable, safe sleep for anyone with certain respiratory disorders, osteochondrosis, scoliosis or other disorders.


  • Orthopedic properties;
  • No pain in the neck;
  • Comfort;
  • Comfortable sleep;
  • Reasonable price.


  • No disadvantages detected.

Latex products are suitable even for pregnant women, because the composition does not contain harmful components, it does not cause allergies. They relieve stress on the spine, so guarantees a smooth sleep, quick awakening and excellent health.

What is the best pillow filler to buy

Everyone should know how to choose a filler for a pillow, taking into account their individual characteristics and needs. It should repeat the anatomical shape of the neck, not to stiffen the movement, not to cause tension in the lumbar region. To understand which model to choose, you need to view the entire rating presented, and make a choice. From the entire rating, you can identify several varieties of models that are worthy to be considered the best and to be used:

  • Bamboo fiber – hypoallergenic material, in which dust does not accumulate, mites do not breed.
  • Memory foam – high quality synthetic, suitable for people with osteochondrosis.
  • Horsehair – a durable, safe material.
  • Wool – high quality, does not cause allergies. 

Among the list of the best fillers you can choose the right model, which will be practical, safe and environmentally friendly for many. The rating is not a guide to the choice, it only prompts suitable options.