Benefits of homework and ways to encourage students for it


What students learn in the classroom is not enough for their effective academic understanding and performance. And therefore to make students understand better, review and use what they gained in the classroom and maintain a balance between leisure activities and learning, homework is given to the students by the teachers.

Not only this, but homework makes students more productive, good at time management, and excel in their academic courses. But many students find homework hectic and pressured to do and this makes them reluctant to do it. But all students must not think this way. Let us discuss the benefits of homework for students and some tips for teachers to encourage students to do it consistently.

Benefits of homework for students

  • Help parents to check students learning

What’s going on in the classroom, how well the students are understanding can be checked by the parents by seeing their children doing homework. Also, parents get to know their child’s growth and progress. Also by helping and guiding their children with homework, interpersonal relationships between them become strong.

  • Makes learning better

Only what we learn in the classroom is not enough for effective learning and academic growth. But the homework given helps students to keep revising and reviewing what they did in the class. This helps students to understand and learn better.

  • Ensure revision

Homework is not all about making projects and writing on different topics. Teachers always maintain a balance between the types of learning homework given. The learning and writing homework topics make students revise what they have done in the classes.

  • Enhance performance in the classroom

When students do their homework regularly, they keep on revising and learning what’s done in the class. By staying consistent with classroom learning and self-studies along with homework, the performance and participation of the students are increased in the classes.

How to encourage students for doing homework: tips for teachers

1. Make homework submission a classroom rule

We all know sometimes students don’t follow something until and unless it’s a rule, compulsion, or regulation. By making homework submission a compulsory rule, teachers can encourage students to do homework. When students know that submitting homework is compulsory and lack of it can affect their academic scores and performance, students will surely do it.

By using an LMS, teachers can manage this task better. LMS full form is a learning management system that teachers can use to maintain records of students’ homework submissions. Keep appreciating the ones doing it regularly and guide the ones being irregular.

2. Reward students

To encourage students to do homework, rewarding them will surely help. Many students are reluctant and less interested to do the work and assignments given to them for home. But when they know that they will be appreciated and rewarded for this, all students will be encouraged to do homework. The students who submit the homework timely, along with vocal appreciation, reward them with a batch, star, best performer, or any small gift and good grades. This way all students will be encouraged to do homework and win rewards for themselves.

3. Explain to them the homework procedure

The main reason behind students not doing homework and feeling less encouraged to do it is that they are not able to understand the homework topic well and the way of doing it. To avoid this from happening with your students, all teachers must explain to students the homework topics and give them a gist of how to do it.

You can tell them the resources and material which they can refer to, for doing their homework. By getting ideas and some good understanding, students will be able to do homework better and with more interest too. This will help teachers to teach students better via the mobile teacher app as well as in the traditional classrooms.

4. Keep the topics precise and interesting

Too much homework and keeping it lengthy can make students avoid doing homework. Also if the topics are too complex or boring, then also students will feel reluctant to do homework. To avoid this happening with your students, teachers must focus on giving short, precise, and interesting homework to the learners.


Many students feel what they learn in the classroom is enough for their academic growth and development. But this is a wrong thought. All students must understand that to learn better, revise more, become more effective and productive doing homework is also important and beneficial for the students. By following the above-mentioned tips and techniques, teachers can encourage students to do homework better.