How Much Excessive Sugar Affects Your Body?


Overeating sugar is not good for you because it would shorten your lifespan. Consumption of excessive sugar would hurt health outcomes. Sugary drinks, candy, baked goods, and sweetened dairy are the main sources of excessive sugar. Savory foods such as bread, tomato sauce, and protein bars would have additive sugar. You can check it on nutrition labels for counting excessive sugar amounts. Look at the following things to see how much excess sugar affects the body.

Brain Functionality

Excessive sugar consumption would affect brain health because whole foods such as fruits and veggies wonā€™t cause the brain to release the required dopamine. When your brain starts to crave more sugar to get the same pleasure.

Increase Insulin Level

One of the major effects of sugar on the body is to release more insulin which regulates blood sugar levels. Excessive sugar increases blood glucose and insulin to adverse metabolic health. You shouldnā€™t avoid natural sources of sugars in fruit, and it wonā€™t have negative effects because natural sources are always paired up with fiber which slows down the absorption.

Put diabetes at risk

If you people have high blood sugar, then type 2 diabetes would worsen. Insulin resistance requires the pancreas to produce more insulin. The pancreas got fatigued with excessive sugar consumption. Type 2 diabetes may develop with excessive sugar consumption. Diabetic people who donā€™t want to put their diabetes at risk should avoid sugary desserts and all types of snacks.

Increase weight

Your body needs sugar for energy, but excessive consumption would be stored as fat. Sugar consumption would affect health and cause weight gain as well as obesity. It increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and makes it more complicated. Low-grade inflammation causes obesity and insulin resistance. Eating foods loaded with sugar is linked to an increase in the waist area. Increased weight contributes to heart disease and triggers more complications.

Heart Disease Risk

Cut down the sugar because it puts heart health at risk. A high sugar intake would increase blood lipid, associated with cardiovascular disease. It protects against heart problems. Sugar decreases HDL, which is the good cholesterol that effectively protects against heart problems. Insulin resistance causes hypertension by affecting the kidney. Loaded sugar would increase the blood pressure level, so make your blood pressure in control by opting for a healthy lifestyle.

Triggers Acne

A high diet including refined carbs such as sugary foods and drinks would be associated with a higher risk of developing acne. Foods with a high glycemic index, such as processed sweets, raise blood sugar levels for lower glycemic index. Sugary foods increase blood sugar and insulin levels, increasing the androgen secretion and inflammation that cause acne development. Avoid sugary foods as much as you can because it would worsen your acne condition.

Increase Depression

With an unhealthy diet, you can increase the risk of depression. A diet high in additive sugar and processed foods would increase developing depression. Consumption of processed foods such as high sugar production would raise the depression risk. Higher intakes of sugar consumption raise the depression risk compared to those who donā€™t consume. The majority of people start consuming alcohol and drugs to reduce depression without knowing how much excessive sugar consumption is deteriorating their health. If you people are in alcohol or drug addiction, get yourself treated because this abuse is directly related to depression. If any of your loved ones are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse, then get an involuntary commitment for alcoholism to get rid of this.

Increase the skin aging

Wrinkles are natural when it comes to aging, and it happens when we choose poor food choices because it can worsen wrinkles and speed up the skin aging process. Consumption of a diet high in refined carbs and sugar increases skin aging because it damages collagen and elastin, proteins to help the skin stretch. When collagen and elastin get damaged then skin loses its firmness and becomes saggy. Stay away from sugar as much as you can to keep its youthful appearance as it is.

Joints health

People who have joint pain should avoid excessive sugar consumption because it directly affects joint health. It triggers inflammation which affects the overall health. Sugar consumption would increase the risk of arthritis risk.

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Drains Energy

Foods high in sugar increase blood sugar and insulin levels, which drains your energy. Products loaded with sugar lack protein, where fiber or fat drop blood sugar levels. Constant blood sugar swings lead to major fluctuations in energy levels. High sugar foods would negatively impact energy levels by raising blood sugar.

Lead To Fatty Liver

A high intake of fructose would increase the risk of fatty liver. Other types of sugar are taken up by many cells throughout the body. The liver breaks down fructose. It is converted into energy or stored as glycogen. The liver can store so much glycogen before excessive amounts turn into fat. A large amount of additive sugar in fructose overloads your liver. Overeating sugar would increase NAFLD, which excessive fat builds up in the liver.


Kidneys are an essential part of the body and once your blood sugar levels reach a certain amount. Kidneys start releasing excessive sugar into the urine. If you have diabetes, excessive sugar can lead to kidney damage. Diabetes can damage the kidneys, preventing filtering out waste in the blood. It would lead to kidney failure.

These are the side effects of excessive sugar consumption. We donā€™t want you to indulge yourself in these unhealthy things because it damages the collagen and elastin in the skin. Take out sugar from your daily routine because excessive consumption would make your health worse. Incorporate a healthy diet in your lifestyle for not indulging yourself in further complications.