Town Of Among Us Find How Can You Get The City Of Us Mod?


Do you want to take part in a brand new city mod with us? This is the most recent version of the popular game of social networking. It’s a blend of various roles, and players can play as a whole in a massive mod.

The mod is updated with the following roles: You can take on any role in the game once you successfully downloading the mod to your device. MOD is now available for download to players from all over the globe.

The latest mod comes with different roles, and each will have different tasks to complete. It is possible to download it online and play it using your gadget.

What is the city’s role in us?

The game Among Us is a renowned social deduction game on the Internet and has an enormous number of people all over the globe. The serpentines and developers are always innovating new ways to play and one of them was recently launched. This mod is called the city of us.

The mod city of us lets players participate in a modified edition the game, playing in various roles. Mod offers ten different roles like sheriff, mayor mafia, swapper research assistant, temporary master shifter , and engineer.

Players can play any character with the Mod version. But, in the future, you may be able to add more roles in the city within us mod.

Since this is a brand new edition of the game players need to download it from a third website. It’s not connected to the server that hosts the game, so you need to download it from untrusted internet sources.

How can we find the mod for the city of us?

The mod is available only to download from the third website. Users should download the mod files onto their device and then install it to play the game.

* Players are required to obtain the zip file via the internet sources

* Locate the mod game folder on your device.

Double-click in the directory to download the ZIP file.

Create a copy the game

* Drag the files out of the folder for games, and start .exe files

• Turn to the game and start playing with us in the city that is the United States. US MOD

What are the characters that are added to the US Mod city? US Mod?

* Mayor is a position that gives the ability to vote multiple times.

* Iser The character is not assigned a assignment, and can take on other roles.

* Sheriff – character who is focused on killing imposters.

* Lovers can be described as a figure who is in love with.

* Mafia is a group of fakes.

* Engineer – A sign that fixes damage on the map for the game.

* Shifter- There is no part for the player.

* A character is able to turn two people into votes during a meeting.

* Researcher is a sign that is able to see the actions of the characters.

The master time is when the player can change the time in which all players go back to the previous level.


The city that is within us is a brand new mod that users are enjoying. We’ve found a critique of a brand new mod and also in the comments of many players there is with a positive view of the mod.

In addition to the ten different roles there’s also also add-ons like different colors, including rainbows and new ones. Are you already playing in the mod? Let us know your opinions in the comments section.