What Is the Best Decal Material for Your Project?


In the era of digital marketing and social media advertising campaigns, traditional marketing techniques are still preferred by many business owners. They are not only affordable, but they can also effectively promote the business and increase the exposure of the brand image. While there are different forms of traditional marketing available, you should purchase the customized promotional decals due to their cost-effective, durable, and weather-resistant features. 

But the materials you choose for your promotional decals will determine their longevity. For instance, if you’re planning to use the promotional decals for outdoor purposes, you need to choose a material that can withstand harsh climate conditions and other harmful outdoor elements such as dust, dirt, UB rays, etc. On the other hand, the indoor promotional decals should be made of glossy materials. 

But how can you choose the perfect material for your promotional decals? Don’t worry, we got you covered! In this article, we will discuss different types of materials for your promotional decals. 

Vinyl is the Most Common Used Decal Material 

Coming on top of our list is vinyl, which is the most commonly used sticker material. Many business owners purchase a high-quality vinyl decal for their unique properties. The material is clear and white. This is why they are perfect for most applications. They are not only weather-proof, but high-quality vinyl decals are also great for outdoor usage due to their durability. If you’re planning to purchase decals, you should choose vinyl. 

Most vinyl stickers are 4 mils in thickness and they come with a soft peel that will help you place the decals on any type of surface. Additionally, the soft peel protects the adhesive of the vinyl decals. The material is matte before the printing process. Vinyl decals are one of the most common and most effective promotional methods amongst marketers. 

Choose Polyester Decals for Technical Applications 

Polyester is another common decal material you need to know. They are the best material choice for heavy-duty and other types of industrial applications. The polyester decals are temperature-resistant. This means that they will still work effectively even in high-temperature conditions. Polyester comes in different finishes. If you purchase polyester decals, you can use them for years as they are extremely durable. They are also abrasion and heat resistant. As per UK essays, polyester fibers are extremely strong.

Polyester decals have 2 mils of thickness. This is why they are thinner than the vinyl decals. However, the thickness has no impact on the durability of the polyester decals. If you need a long-term promotional tool, the polyester decals will never disappoint you. 

Try Bright Silver Reflective Decals 

The bright silver reflective decals are the favorite of many business owners. The material is reflective. However, they are different from the reflective materials used in the traffic signs. 

If you want to showcase your creativity, consider painting your traditional vinyl decals with shiny silver materials. This will help you provide something new to your customers. The material of the sticker will grab the attention of your business and help you increase the visibility of your brand. 


These are the different types of materials you should consider for your decals. Do you have any other questions? Make sure you comment below to let us know.