Explained Latest Google Ranking Factors in Detail- 2023


Google is a complicated machine. More than 200 variables make up its algorithm, which determines where on the search results page your website will appear. All of those elements are important, but some of them are more significant than others.

The 10 most crucial Google ranking variables for this year are included in the list below. On the other hand, if you want practical knowledge of all the Google rankings factors, then first you have to Join Digital Edge Institute to Learn Digital Marketing Course in Noida they provide online and offline both type of sessions to boost your career in Digital world.

Some Major Factors of Google Ranking for Quality Result


Each link you obtain pointing back to your website counts as a vote of confidence in Google’s eyes. The algorithm can tell that your website is reliable and packed with useful information since other websites have used your material and linked to it.

A referring domain is a website that links to your website. When you check Google ranks for your targeted keywords, the more referring domains you get through backlinks, the more probable it is that you will find your domain above your competition.

However, for Google to raise the rating of your website, your backlinks must originate from reliable, relevant sites. Consider that you manage a website with golf equipment. If all of your backlinks are from IT consulting firms, your backlink profile won’t be very useful. It’s a peculiar notion, but you get the image.

Page Speed

With this ranking feature, the scenario is more like “last one there is a rotten egg” than “fastest website wins.” This implies that rather than being rewarded for quick page loads, your website will be penalised for slow ones.

Google has outlined the need that websites provide consumers content within 1.3 seconds. Therefore, if your site can only provide material after that brief window has passed, you run the danger of dropping down the SERPs’ food chain.

Internal Linking

Internal links to pages indicate to Google that those pages are essential, perhaps raising the rank for those pages, just like external backlinks do.

When attempting to convey authority to pages, both the quality and amount of internal connections play a significant role.

There is proof that internal links share link popularity with exterior backlinks. Internal links between well-known “linked-to” content sites and crucial service pages are a common SEO strategy.

Content Depth

Google aims to rank articles that give the user a lot of information. This doesn’t imply creating lengthy articles; instead, give search engine users useful information that will assist them locate what they’re looking for. Your content’s richness and detail can be useful in this situation.

Your website should rapidly outrank all of your competitors’ sites by offering that much more information. You may conduct your own Google searches and look at the “people also ask” boxes to grasp the information that consumers are looking for in order to determine the degree of depth you should be offering.


The future of search is mobile. Over 80% of consumers conducted internet searches on mobile devices in 2019. Because of this, Google now favours mobile-optimized websites over those that aren’t.

Mobile-responsive web design is similar to the other ranking elements on our list in that it places a strong emphasis on the user experience. This entails designing a website with large fonts that are simple to read on mobile devices and automatically reformatting the content of your site to fit the device being used. Although it may seem difficult to adopt, the leading website builders currently include mobile-responsive layouts.


To evaluate the authority and quality of each web page, Google employs a tool known as a Search Quality Rater. Google recommends in these search quality rater rules that websites should concentrate on E-A-T.

Google will thus give websites that exhibit subject matter authority and competence a higher ranking. In other words, if you concentrate on a particular area of expertise rather than creating broad content that briefly touches on a variety of topics, your material is more likely to rank higher than that of your rivals.

Social Signals

This is the quantity of social media shares, likes, and visibility that your website is generating. Similar to backlinks, social signals inform Google that your material is important since it is being shared online.

The goal of your subsequent marketing strategy should be to increase social media involvement. This will need a variety of marketing strategies, including regular posting, the use of photos, the creation of contests, collaborations with other well-known businesses, and the monitoring of your content’s social media success with the use of tools like Hootsuite.

Content Accuracy

Quite self-explanatory, this one. If you’re supplying false information, do you believe your material will rank on the SERPs? Without a doubt.

Additionally, if Google started displaying false material, consumers would go to alternative search engines.

For the user, inaccurate material might cause more problems than just inconvenience. Consider a user who looks for “paracetamol daily dose.” The user’s health and wellness may be in danger if Google were to display false information for this specific inquiry.

Technical SEO

The crawlability of your website, or, to put it another way, how simple it is for Google to grasp what your web page is about and where to rank it, is the basis for this ranking criteria.

Among many other activities, technical SEO strategies include optimising your URLs by include keywords, making sure your page performance is up to par, and creating a structure of various web pages that is simple for users to traverse.

Page Security

The use of HTTPS, or page security, as a ranking criteria was disclosed by Google in 2014. Making sure that your website is safe might be the deciding factor in Google choosing to rank your website above a rival page that isn’t secure, even if it’s a somewhat “lightweight” ranking criteria.

You must get an SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate from a company like Let’s Encrypt in order to safeguard your website. The customer’s credit card information and other sensitive data that is transmitted between the user and your website will be encrypted thanks to this certificate.

Final Words

Business is greatly impacted by SEO. The ranking criteria used by Google’s search algorithm promote high-quality content and a positive user experience. Google is also becoming much more adept at analysing user behaviour when it comes to content. Your internet marketing approach may succeed or fail depending on how well you understand the fundamental Google ranking variables.

About the Writer: Abhay He is an Expert Digital Marketer Having An Experience of Almost 10 Long years. his Institute Named is “Digital Edge Institute” they Also Provide Website Designing Course in Noida along with Digital Marketing The Entire courses are designed to equip students with the skills needed to be a successful Digital Marketing professional in the future.