How to boost metabolism


Increasing your metabolism the right way is one of the best ways to lose weight. The more calories you burn, the faster your body will use them up and burn fat, which means you’ll look leaner and feel less tired. But there are uncountable ways to boost your metabolism—not all of them work! So how do you know which ones will help?

Eat more protein.

Protein is a type of food your body needs to build and repair tissue, and it’s also a good source of energy, which can help you feel fuller longer. In addition to building muscle, protein helps keep you healthy by helping prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Build muscle.

You can also start building muscle. Muscle definitely burns more calories than fat, so if you want to lose weight and reduce your body fat percentage, adding some muscle tissue will help.

The best and the easiest way to build muscle is through weightlifting—strength training with heavy weights. But even if you’re not a gym rat and don’t have access to equipment, other ways work well:

Biking or running on an elliptical machine (short bursts of intense cardio) can help stimulate the release of hormones known as growth factors that promote cell growth and increase metabolism by upstaging the number of mitochondria within cells. Doing push-ups or sit-ups also builds muscles because they require more effort than regular movements such as walking around outside. Swimming may be an alternative if swimming isn’t already part of your routine. Resistance bands such as those made by recognized companies provide more resistance than traditional dumbbells while providing similar benefits.

Eat foods rich in fiber.

Fiber is the most important nutrient for weight loss and health. It helps you feel full and satisfied, which can help you avoid overeating. Fiber also helps your body absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar, and lower cholesterol levels.

Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are all rich in fiber.

Get good sleep.

Improving your sleep quality gradually is one of the most important things you can do to boost your metabolism. A lack of quality sleep can definitely lead to various health problems, including weight gain and increased stress levels. Sleep deprivation has also been linked with metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. To ensure you get enough Zzzz’s every night:

  • Get between seven and eight hours every night (or more if possible).
  • Avoid screens before bedtime—they may cause insomnia or awaken you earlier than you should get up in the morning!


If you’re trying to boost your metabolism, remember that it’s not always easy, and you must make sacrifices and be willing to do things differently than you used to for it to work. But if you’re up for the challenge, then keep reading! We’ve got plenty more tips to help get your body into shape so you can see results fast.